You have a major project due tomorrow. Your boss asks about the project status. You say, “no problem” as you stand with confidence. You have your evidence in plain view, starting with your color-coded office whiteboard with project ideas, hard deadlines and quarterly goals followed by your perfectly synced office calendars.
Your boss asks about the program you started. “It’s going great”. You love to create and start new things. You want to provide for others what you wish you had when you started in the organization. You’re the one with the great ideas. “We know we can always count on you” your boss says”.
Before leaving your office, your boss reminds you to request time off for the vacation time you’re about to lose. As far as your peers know, your only fault is that you do not take the vacation time you’ve been accruing for the past two years.
You take pride in the asks, to be the:
- model employee
- taking the initiative and
- being the face of your company to recruit the best and brightest.
You’ve worked hard to get here. You wear working so hard that you have tons of “use or lose it” paid time off as a badge of honor.
Your co-workers see you as the residential badass of all things. Everything about you reads you’ve got it all together.
But this is what people don’t see…what’s going on behind the scenes.
The projects, the new ideas and the socializing do not come as easy as others might think.
You told your boss a “white lie” about your progress. The truth is there is very little progress and you’re immobilized by anxiety.
What’s keeping you up at night and weighing on you the most is the project due Monday that you’ve had 3 weeks to complete, and you’re nowhere close to being done.
It’s not like you haven’t tried to work on your project over these past 3 weeks. You’ve tried to do it, but you’re taking 10 hours to write one sentence just to get that first paragraph perfect.
But the timing is anything but perfect.
Time has run out and now it’s crunch time. You just have the weekend to finish the project.
Somehow, something clicks, and you manage to pull it off by working all weekend breaking only to eat and use the bathroom. You finish in the wee hours of Monday morning.
You have fleeting relief about finishing the project. Soon, an overwhelming feeling of dread looms over you and you start to worry about the presentation on the new mentor program proposal due next week.
I can see you in a world where you…
- smile when you think of days when you start your project and pace yourself so that you can complete projects without cramming work in at the last minute.
- light up when you think about a life where you prioritize what you want to do, which includes a much-needed vacation.
- feel encouraged when think of a life where you don’t feel you have to be perfect to be successful.
I can help you get there.
Press the pause button. It’s hard to make changes when the world is whizzing by and not giving a chance for you to catch up. The session offers an opportunity to press the pause button long enough to catch your breath and experience relief.
You can do it all, but not all at once: You’re a natural born leader, which makes you good at a lot of things. People see it and want you on their team all the time. They all tend to be great opportunities, which make you feel like you must do everything at the same time. But that’s not the case. I will teach you how to prioritize according to what you value most so that you can do one thing at a time and feel good about it.
Baby steps are not just for babies: We’ve all heard you need to crawl before you walk. Sounds great in theory, but when faced with major deadlines, that doesn’t seem like an option You do have options and I can help you see them. Learn to develop effective ways to approach your “to-dos” saving yourself from unrelenting stress and overnighters.
Progress not perfection: Although we can probably agree that perfection does not exist, we still pursue it. Sometimes people feel if something is not perfect then we’ve failed. I will teach you the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism, celebrate progress and embrace your good is good enough.
If you want more peace and less overwhelm,
Schedule your free 30-minute phone consultation now.