Are you depressed, hiding in plain sight?
No Laughing Matter
You’re always the comedian among your friends. Funny thing is, you don’t feel very funny at all other than the awkwardness of acting like everything is okay. The truth is the one with all the jokes isn’t happy at all and hasn’t been for a long time.
“I Left My Phone on Silent”
It’s the weekend and you have plenty of friend invites but you don’t feel like doing anything. Your more in tune friends are starting to notice something’s off and call more often. You try to avoid them but inevitably you run into someone. They ask if you got their calls; you use the “I left my phone on silent” excuse. Besides you would hate to be a burden.
The Floor a.k.a. Walk-In Closet
It’s Sunday night and the countdown to work begins…4am, 4:16, 5:12am… You have work in a few hours, you scan the floor trying to pair outfits and betting on, which ones are most likely to pass the sniff test.
Another dreaded Monday and every day of the week for that matter. You’re at work, late, but at work. The mission…look productive. A few papers here, a few there placed just so – sprinkle of post-its properly displayed with deadlines written in bold. Planner open to today’s date with a lot to-dos scribbled. The last detail, occasionally writing on a notepad keeping track “I can leave this place” countdown next to all the doodles.
Cleaning – Food Delivery Guy Standard
Every day…You arrive home and it literally looks like your brain lived out, overwhelmed and all over the place. You thought about a cleaning service but you think to yourself you would have do a massive cleaning job just to get it to an acceptable level of dirty. You muster up the energy to clean enough space so from the food delivery guy’s perspective you have it all together.
How I Help
Fight the Bullies
Chances are if you’ve been feeling down there are some bullies in your head telling you some pretty nasty things. We know that bullies are usually just “scardy cats” and the same goes for thought bullies. We take a deeper look and expose your thought bullies for what they are — mean, fear-based statements bound in guilt and shame and replace them with the kinder, gentler, balanced truth.
Take Off The Mask
Wearing a mask to hide how you feel creates a wall between you and your support when you need it the most. Together we will work on your self-acceptance and move towards building social support with friends, family, community and activities.
Pulling The Pieces Together
When you don’t feel good, trying to tackle life’s to-dos can feel like drinking out a fire hydrant. Sometimes there is the temptation to try to conquer everything all at once – this usually leads to paralyzing overwhelm. Side by side, I work with you to break down your goals into manageable pieces.
Come Out Of Hiding
You can get your life back and if you’d like a better one. Come out of hiding.